Craig Tampin | Recovery
"If I hadn't told her that day, I wouldn't be sat here now"
Recovering gambling addict Craig Tampin shares his personal story about how being addicted to collected Pokemon cards as a child, lead to spiralling debt which nearly ruined his life. Now Craig dedicates his time helping others through his life experience.
Abbie Potts | Disability
"I walked into hospital, and came out paralysed"
Inspiring story of Abbie Potts and her journey from being a young active independent girl, life in the countryside and the seizures that led her to a new life in a wheelchair in her 20s. She believes everything happens for a reason accepting who she is now and her purpose in life.
Reece Calvert | Recovery
"I was stood on the train tracks, and I text Charlotte and said my goodbyes"
Reece's Instagram bio reads, "Sober since 26/02/23. Trying to use my journey of addiction and a suicide attempt to help others."
This quote is a perfect introduction to Reece and the journey he is on. A normal upbringing, a regular life, to a downward spiral, coming through the other side a better person.
Drew Graham | Disability
"This is embarrassing, I'm gonna die like this"
Champion runner Drew Graham, was in the prime of his life when a simple momentary decision changed his life forever. His story is a powerful reminder of how life can change a single moment and how you overcome the obstacles. Drew talks about his injury, creating the only accessibility gym in his area, competing in the Great North Run and how he tackles adversity, motivating himself back onto a new path and purpose in life.
Andy Stobbart | Mental Health
"Antipsychotics, antidepressants, mood stabilisers"
Diagnosed with Bipolar and Depression, Andy has dealt with hearing voices and seeing hallucinations all of his life. A lifetime of medication has led to him having fibromyalgia, but Andy still keeps active having competed in Ultra Marathon and Iron Man. His story is a fascinating insight into how he manages mental health and retains his resilience in his daily struggles.
Jenny Todd | Strongwoman
“I remember getting home and just crying a lot”
Jenny Todd is best know for competing in Strongwoman. A self professed tom boy, being a skinny kid from an all girls school, to bouncing on the doors of a nightclub and coming off steroids. Now a Personal Training Coach to some of the world’s best in the strong woman community, Jenny’s journey is unique to say the least.
Danny Dawoud | Disability
"I was born, every bone at some point over that pregnancy, was broken"
Danny Dawoud was born in Wigan with Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type 2, a brittle bone disease. In spite of the difficult start in life, Danny went on to win gold for TeamGB in wheelchair rugby. A unique and positive story of how Danny’s attitude for life lead him to the success he has had, taking risks and putting himself at the forefront of any situation.
Chris Nicholas | Mental Health
"I think you should stop taking drugs Christopher"
Chris Nicholas was a confident teenager until acne started to chip away at his self esteem. An emotional journey from the party days, anxiety, panic attacks, acceptance and a self improvement. Founder of Ice Guys, Chris has not only helped himself but many other men with their mental health. Chris has certainly got a story to tell and one which will have a positive impact on many people.
Frank Styles | Artist
"That was the end of his life, for painting his name on a train"
Frank Styles is best know for his mural artwork in and around Sunderland. Starting out his journey finding anything to graffiti, steeling paint cans, avoiding police, he knew that he needed to change his path. Listen to Frank explain how his mind sees the world and the passion for what he does. On a continuous journey exploring the purpose of his work and how is always evolving. Frank’s story will certainly relate to many other artists and creatives around the world.
Sam Beecroft | Disability
“I could’ve been splat”
Sam Beecroft is a motorbike fanatic. He has been riding since a child, posters on the wall, aspired to want bigger and better bikes. A tragic everyday work commute changed Sam’s life forever, on his own motorbike. This has not stopped his passion and his attitude wanting to ride again paralysed. Sam’s story is one of acceptance and his motivation to follow his passion and ride again.
Reasons & Review | First 10 Episodes
Special episode with me, Dan Prince, and the reasons why I started Storyland.
I look back at the first 10 episodes and review what I personally took away from each guest.
It’s certainly been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. It’s been a privilege to be able to sit, talk and share so many personal stories.
Danielle Chamberlin | Scientology
“These guys will brainwash you”
Escaping Scientology. Danielle’s story is one from a Hollywood movie. What started as an idyllic upbringing in South Africa gradually led to a life being captured and controlled by Scientology for almost 20 years. Indoctrinated through her parents at the age of 6, being abused by step brother’s in her own home, she found herself on L Ron Hubbards ship, on her own at sea by age 11. Although put to work, locked up and punished her hope for a better life kept her sane throughout this time. Listen to Danielle in her own words, as she shares her own truth and campaigns to send a message which may help others out there.
James Fildes | Mental Health
“I know I care deeply about other people”
Having experienced the lack of support for his own mental health experiences, Jame set up Space North East, a men’s mental health group in Sunderland to create a place for people suffering with depression, anxiety and loneliness. His willingness to care for others has set a new purpose for James, which is having a huge effect on the community where he lives. Listen to James talk about his own journey, from suicidal tendencies, being lost, overcoming adversity for a greater purpose. Wise words, with an outstanding insight into understanding people on a very personal level.
Andy Reid | Domestic Abuse
"She was trying to smash the door in to get to me"
Strongman Andy Reid opens up about his experience being the victim of physical and domestic violence. Now working in mental health he has turned his life around after having his first child, but it has been an uphill battle. We cover some eye opening truths such as how society and authorities portray a man in need of help, staying with someone who is destroying his self-esteem, and having his passion competing in strongman taken away due to heart failure.
Nicola Robertson | Mental Health
“Tell Mam and Dad I’m sorry”
This episode is always in my thoughts. I must warn you that is a very deep, emotional story with some hard hitting issues.
Nicola set up the charity based group Saffe (Suicide Affect Family and Friends Everywhere) after her son took his own life. Nicola speaks out about suicide awareness, her own abusive childhood, being a young mam and finding purpose in tragedy. Struggling every day, her only motivation is to help others. She is a true advocate to what local people are doing in their communities to help others.
Steve Hoggy | Mental Health
“I have a duty to be able to share this”
A great upbringing, supportive family and regular life, Steve opens up to tell his story of a life self harming. Managing everyday life with a secret he kept from everyone took a toll and he recently made some big changes to his life due to implications of planning his own suicide. This episode shows that anyone can be walking around with underlying issues that nobody knows about, even if you have a life that would be considered “normal”. Steve is a true advocate to community and helping others, which he does on a daily basis as his job helping to keep people fit and healthy.
Becca Thomson | Disability
“Just tell my family I love them”
Inspired by learning life skills from her dad, Becca has set out on her life journey with a pragmatic approach. Being competitive and active as a “chunky kid”, rowing, judo, strongwoman, her drive was derailed by an abusive relationship, then a tragic car accident, where she thought she was going to die, ended up with an arm amputation. Suffering PTSD, multiple operations on a related foot injury, Becca is still finding ways to manage the dark days, with a grit and determination, the only way she knows how.
Alex Noonan | Triathlon
“What if you fall? My darling, what if you fly”
Alex has travelled the world competing in Triathlon. Heavily motivated as a kid by her Dad, this lit her natural fire to pursue a lifelong adventure of 4am starts, competing whilst pregnant, injuries and overcoming debilitating panic attack every time she approaches the water. Alex opens up about her unhealthy relationship with food, judgemental comments and a male dominating sport which needs to change. A fascinating look into a unique mind set, of both positive and equally competitive.
Paul Scrafton | Mental Health
“The fear is where you find the growth”
A very deep, personal conversation with Paul, discussing his upbringing and difficult relationship with his Dad. After a lifetime of mental health issues caused by CPTSD, Paul feels he has finally turned a corner. His issues have all come at a cost through his life, all brought on by his upbringing and what he went through. Paul was reluctant to share his story, but I’m pleased he agreed and we made it happen.